Developed Countries vs Developing Countries
"The term 'underdeveloped' has recently come to refer to those countries whicha re technically not as well-equipped as certain others. The term also covers usually area which are, or have been, more or less politically dependent upon foreign powers. It describes nations which are not economically independent. Almost all of them, however are 'have' nations in the sense taht they are rich in natural resources. Almost all are 'old' nations in the sense that they have cultures the conscious history of which may be thousands of years old. These nations are also characterized by a high percentage of illiteracy, a large low-income group, a very small middle class, adn a very small upper class. Their outstanding characteristic is taht they are all in a sense of transition. Transition itself is the product of conflict between their own culture and the impact of Western civilization." (Arasteh, Reza. "Some Problems of Education in Underdeveloped Countries." Middle East Journal. Vol. 12. No. 3. Summer, 1958.)
It's Wedneseday morning, and time for school. You no longer live in America, but in a country that's "developing." Based on your knowledge of developing countries, explain some of the challenges you would face to obtain an education.
Some challenges I would go through would be waking up and probably not having much food for me or my family. I would not have alot of money to buy everyday things like i do in america. Our school would not have many resources for my classmates and I. living in these conditions would be a huge struggle in a developing country
Steve Tessier
I am waking up in Africa without my parents. They both of them based away and now my older brother, Jimmy, is taking care of my brother, John, and I. Jimmy tries his best to take care of us and tries to keep us happy. Before school I have to make sure my bed is made and do a few chores. Depending on if we have food for breakfest or not I will was the dishes with water we get from the near by lake. Once I am ready I walk to school with my friends. I love going to school because I am able to be with people my age and forget about my troubles at home.
Nick Roe-in developing countries there are many challenges that i would face on a daily basis to go to school. first and formost when i wake up i will most likely get dressed and leave for schoool, and not have time to eat breakfast. getting to school would be a hard thing too. i would most likely have to walk to school no matter how far away it was and have to deal with the risk of something happening to me on the way there. it could be extremely hot or cold and i would probably not be very prepaired for the weather either way
In a developing country there would be many challenges for everyday life. Getting from place to place would be difficult because there is little for transportation. Getting clean and dressed in the morning would be a struggle without running water. After a day of getting my clothes dirty I wouldn't even be able to clean them . The comforts of my everyday life in America would not all be in my life anymore.
Pat Traverse
I wake up, to the sound of birds chirping and the rumble in my belly. I am still hungery from yesterday. I ask my mom for food and all she says is that we need to feed the baby frist. So I walk to the well to try to get clean. When it is my turn all i get is a small peice of bread with no butter on it and some rain water. Then its time to walk all to school. My feet are all dirty and covered in blisters. I wish we had the money to afford some good shoes. I have a huge whole in the bottom of mine. My mum tried to put some old cloth so that they would help a little. But some where along the walk I lost it. I have this thing that you can call a backpack that my dad had made for me. I am the poorest kid in school. All the better off kids make fun of me and offer me there scrapes of food. I hate it. Sometime I wish that this is all a dream and that soon I will wake up, and it will all be a dream. But this is my life.
-Elizabeth Seetaram
I feel if I was to live in a counrty that wasnt developed I would live a hard life. I think that now a days from going to america to a country that isnt developed it would be extremely hard. No one is use to not growing up with television, cars, jobs, and not being able to live their lives. If I was to grow up in a undeveloped counrty I think it would be hard for me because im use to being able to drive, make money and also be with my family. If i lived there it would be hard to find a job that actually would pay me enough.I could also end up walking every where and never get a car. Another thing I feel school would be hard because they dont get as good as an education as we do. College would be hard to get into.
~samantha dixon
Waking up in a developing country would have many challenges put ahead of me just to survive.For instance there would be problems just to have food to fill my stomach and chances are if i had found a source of food it is not enough.Even a place to sleep could be a challenge due to not enough homes or no money to support myself.Developing countries are not neccessarily the cleanest areas to live.They are usually polluted with trash making horrible living and learning conditions.There is more diseases and sickness due to poor quality of living environment.
-melanie costa
Waking up in Ethiopia there are going to be many struggles that ill need to face, to obtain a good education. One is the issue of transportation, since Ethiopia is an extremely povertised country i have no form of transportation to get to school so i must walk many miles just to even attend school. Another factor is the poor condition that my school is in, there are some dangerous factors such as collapsing ceilings and dirt floors. Another concern is the lack of illiteracy in my classroom with the teacher and my fellow classmates. The curriculum is not really up to date do some of the material we are learning is not extremely useful. Sometimes class cannot even be taught correctly because we lack simple classroom resources such as paper,pencils,erasers,books,etc. Everyday is a struggle in Ethiopia. And learning on an empty stomach is not the greatest either i haven't eaten for a couple days. I hope overtime that education conditions improve so that i can become as well educated as the kids in the United States.
felicia mckinney
It’s Wednesday morning and I just woke to get ready for school. School Starts are 8 am, but I have to get up at 5 am because I walk to school every morning. My walk can take up to an hour sometimes longer. I try to make the best out of the walk I take every morning but it gets very boring when I have to do it alone. I have a couple of friends who sometimes walk with me, but most of the time I walk alone. In the morning I eat a quick breakfast if there is any food in my house. I share a house with two other families not including mine. I have three younger brothers, so they get fed before I do. Sometimes I go days without eating. It’s hard, but it’s what I have to do for my family. School is one of the things I look forward to everyday. It gives me an excuse to get away from my crowed small house. You would not believe all the commotion there is with sharing a house with two other families. Sometimes is very hard to think. I usually stay after school to complete my homework because I do not have time at home. I have to help take care of my brothers because my parents work a lot. I hear about the life some American’s live and I often wonder what it is like to be them and not have a worry in the world.
Every morning I awake before sunrise to gather together two of my siblings and fetch water. This morning was no different; my sister Ngozi and my little brother Anan never enjoy the trip, but I tell them “No whining and get the pots, Tafari would have never complained like this.” Tafari is our oldest sister, and she is dying.
When we return, the sun has made the sky a pastel red and yellow with tell-tale signs of a cloudless morning. It is already hot under the African sun, but I insist I must work until the day is done. With the water, I must give my family something to drink. My siblings are as follows; Tafari, who is 22, Anan, who is 8, Ngozi, 7, Rudo, 5, and then Kwasi, 3. My sister’s daughter Olufemi, who is almost 1 year old, must be cared for. I myself am 13 years old, and they call me Zuberi.
The girls, Ngozi, Rudo, and Olufemi occupy the bedroom while Anan, Kwasi and myself sleep in the kitchen on the floor. My sister sleeps in the only real bed we have, the one that our parents used to have before they died.
Once the children and my sister are fed, I have to dress the older kids for school; I do not got o school anymore. Anan and Ngozi walk together with the other children down the path to the nearest village, a village that has the liberty of education. My village is the poorest and the dirtiest, but I am not ashamed. Rudo and Kwasi play behind our hovel as I watch Tafari’s declining health and fetch her water or wheat. Olufemi is too little to play in the dirt, for she has yet to learn how to avoid the deadly mosquitoes. I had to tell the children that Tafari has malaria form one of them…
I was too afraid to tell them what she told me; the truth be told that she has contracted HIV, whoch has become AIDS… this was a long time ago, she told me, before she became pregnant with Olufemi, who was born sick and will die young.
Rudo, and this is not always daily, will sometimes throw rocks at the old tree and then she and Kwasi come running inside to escape the angered bees that reside in belly of the tree. On other days, she and Kwasi make pictures in the soil. Either way, they must stay close enough to the hut to touch it.
Our hut is too small for all of us to be in one room at the same time, so when Anan and Mgozi come home they must do their homework in the kitchen while babysitting Olufemi. Kwasi and Rudo play in bedroom, or even the yard if it isn’t so hot outside anymore. Tafari usually sleeps in the bed that is a few feet from the hovel door. I spend the afternoons walking to the market and back.
I usually have to steal to get by, but not much. I stopped taking Anan and Ngozi with me because I am afraid that someone will kidnap them, especially Ngozi, and then I will se them in 20 years form now, dead or dying and they will ask me why I let them get kidnapped. This fear still exists with me today ever since my 15 year old sister Alala never came home.
I can usually only carry enough food for the night and it becomes far too dark to go back to the market once I am home. We eat wheat with meat [I’m not sure what kind of meat] with seeds or rice. The rest of our water from the morning usually has been spilled over by children or mosquito laid her eggs in it, so I always send Anan and Ngozi. They complain every time.
“It’s took dark,” They say, or “I’m too tired.”
“Tafari was tired, too. She’s been tired for 3 years.” Our mother died giving birth to Kwasi. Tafari’s father died, and my father died as well. Anan, Rudo, and Ngozi’s father left us.
Tafari refuses to tell me who the father of Olufemi is, but I’m sure he is also the father of Kwasi. He killed himself when Tafari stopped being able to walk.
Olufemi and Kwasi share a bedtime, and then Anan, Ngozi, and Rudo share another time.
Tafari, on the days she is feeling well enough, tells me to sleep. I tell her I worry too much.
And then, in the stagnant heat of the night, I drift to sleep.
When waking up in a developing country, there are many problems i would face on a daily basis. There probably wouldnt be a lot of food for my family and the clothes would be old hand-me-downs. I most likely would be illierate and just learning how to read and write, but the schools would be poor and have minimal supplies. I would be happy with what I have.
-Amanda Marie
there would be many challenges i would face if i lived in a developing country that would be virtually unheard of in the U.S. for instance i am lucky to wake up. and i would be hungry and unable to get much (if any) food. i would say hello to my parents if they are alive. i would then walk to school if i didnt have to work to support my family. i would walk possibly miles every morning just to get to school and then have no resources. my school could be anything from a brick building to nothing more then a teacher and the shade of a tree..... in Amaerica we take alot for granted.
there would be many challenges i would face if i lived in a developing country that would be virtually unheard of in the U.S. for instance i am lucky to wake up. and i would be hungry and unable to get much (if any) food. i would say hello to my parents if they are alive. i would then walk to school if i didnt have to work to support my family. i would walk possibly miles every morning just to get to school and then have no resources. my school could be anything from a brick building to nothing more then a teacher and the shade of a tree..... in Amaerica we take alot for granted.
-William Major (i forgot my name once..... OOPS)
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