Please consider his work and then:
1. Explain five disturbing images in the work. Pay close attention to detail. Then, explain two questions you have about the work or images in the work.
2. Explain what Picasso's message is regarding this event
3. Explain what you feel O'Brien's message is regarding his experience in Vietnam.
4. Explain how Picasso's message is similar or different to the message O'Brien hopes to convey in his book.
**Remember that this assignment is for class. You are expected to use proper grammar, capitalization, spelling, punctuation, etc.
1. Explain five disturbing images in the work. Pay close attention to detail. Then, explain two questions you have about the work or images in the work. disordered faces, broken looking toes, people screaming, animals that are in pain, and a bunch of painfull looks on peoples faces
1. what made him draw this
2. why would he draw this
2. Explain what Picasso's message is regarding this event
his message is to show peoples and other things pain.
3. Explain what you feel O'Brien's message is regarding his experience in Vietnam.
his message is to show that vietnam is no joke
4. Explain how Picasso's message is similar or different to the message O'Brien hopes to convey in his book.
war is never what it seems its unpredictable and its grousome
1.)In this painting, there are many things going on. Though admitably confusing to look at at first, your eyes are eventually drawn to the details. This painting depicts distorted faces, and severed limbs. It shows a landscape of horror, people screaming and dying. There are broken swords and deformed livestock.
2.)This painting is meant to portray the death of the innocenct in war, a man being trampled by a horse, or perhaps a cavalier. There is a woman holding onto a dead child as well.
3.)What O'Brien tends to portray about his expirience in vietnam is the horrors of war, the mental and physical it takes on someone.
4.)The two messages are similar because they boh show the death and chaos a war can bring. Those who are innocent are lost, both literall and metaphorically.
Seth Killingbeck
1. One man is being trampled by a horse. Another disturbing example is the random limbs throughout the painting not claimed by a body. On the left side of the painting is a woman in distress over the death of her child. The people are deformed from the bombing, such as the water buffalo's eyes. The animals look like they are in pain. Why is there light bulbs and candles throughout the painting? Also, why is the water buffalo kissing the crying woman?
2. Picasso's message in regards to this event is that everyone and everything was effected by the bombing in different ways.
3. O'Brein's message in regards to his experience in Vietnam is that it was hard and something that he will have to live with for the rest of his life.
4. The people in the painting will have to live with there deformities, just like Tim O'Brien. The crying woman had to watch her child die, just like O'Brien had to deal with his friends deaths around him.
Emma Ethier and Marisa Dole :)
1. There are several disturbing images in Picasso's painting of Guernica. First, there is a deattacked head laying on the ground. Secondly, a women is carring limbs including fingers, toes, heads, arms, and legs. Thirdly, there is a horse with a twisted body. Fourth, there is a woman with a deformed foot. Lastly, there is a half bull, half unicorn. Guernica is a very distutbing piece of art.
1.What was Picasso thinking at the time he drew it?
2.Why is everything deformed?
2. Picasso's message is the outcome of war is always negitive. Nothing pleasant comes from it.
3. Regarding O'brien's experience in Vietnam, his message from "The Things They Carried" is soliders will always carried memories from the war.
4. Picasso and O'brien's messages both portray negativity about the war.
Mikey Campos:
1.) There's a man getting trampled
to death by a horse, a woman holding a dead baby, one person is crawling with a broken leg, there's a woman getting violated and a decapitated man.
2.)Picasso's message is that war is brutal and disturbing.
3.)O'Brien's message is also that war is disturbing a brutal.
4.)They both are trying to show that war is eff'd up.
-The arms lying on the ground.
-The woman dragging her leg as if she was hurt.
-The woman carrying a dead child
-The head on the floor
-The foating head with strangly placed eyes.
-What's the point of it?
-Is that a light at the top?
2. Pain and/or suffering.
3. Vietnam can leave your mind messed up and all over the place.
4. War is not just terrifying but it leaves a life long scar even though peoplelooking in from the outside may not realize it.
1. a) There is a horn coming out of a horses mouth in the middle of the painting
b) There are people laying on the ground screaming and in pieces
c)There is a guy coming through the window
d)Theres markings on the pieces in the middle of the painting
e)Theres an arm holding a light coming through the window.
1: Why is everyone in pieces?
2: Why do they all look disformed?
2. Picasso's message is that nothing good ever comes from war, and it only ends up in pieces.
3. O'Brien's message regarding his experience is that once you are in war you'll never be the same and you'r memories will stay with you forever.
4. Picasso and O'Brien's messages are both similar because they both think that war isn't the answer.
4. Explain how Picasso's message is similar or different to the message O'Brien hopes to convey in his book.
1.a)The girl thats on one knee with her mouth awkwardly open.
b)The horse donkey thing with a tooth coming out of its tounge
c)Hey arnolds head with a light bulb.
d)The random head thats floating.
e)The guys trying to eat the manbullcat.
2. This is regaurding multip-le different cultures and what war can do to them.
3. O'Brians message is showing what war can do to people, and how it can break appart families.
4. They are both simalar because they both show the horror of war, and the bad things it can do.
1. The disturing images in the picture are the dead people and animals just laying there. Also theere are many misshapen limbs and faces of many of the animals and people.
2. He is saying that war is very sad and ends with many casualties. Also to portray that tehre were many deaths of innocent civilians.
3. He was portraying that it was a very horrific war and it took a toll on many people's lives physicaly and emotionaly.
4. It is simailar to O'Briens message becuase they both show how scary and horrific the war was and howmany innocent people died.
Taylor Portanova Colleen Twitchell
1) The first part of the picture that we found disturbing is how the mother is holding her deceased child. Another thing that was disturbing that we happened to stumble upon was a decapitated head. Along with the decapitated head we also found something else that was quite distrubing was an arm that was no longer attached to the body. Lastly, the final disturbing thing we came upon was a women being eaten by something.
2)Picasso believed that upon war many things become worse then they already are. Such as a small thing can turn into such a big thing. A person could accidently fire a gun and it could turn into a bloody battle. Picasso portrays this in the picture he has painted.
3)O'Brien's message is that war can be a horrible thing. It can tear you away from loved one and even take away lives of those whom you are friends with. He makes war in Vietnam seem disturbing and quite violent.
4)They are both similar to each other. The reasoning behind this is that they portray war in such a way that people can understand it. They show how it can be disturbing and how it can be a bloody battle.
Bgill and Kweiner :)
1) Five of the disturbing images in Picasso's work "Guernica" are
a) The severed arm holding the fractured sword, which shows the destroyed resistance to such an attack.
b) The donkey that is trampling a man to death, which shows nature crushing man.
c) The bull running wild in the streets of Guernica, which personifies the anger of the Spanish people at the German attacks on Guernica.
d) The mother grieving for her child that was killed in the bombing, to show the innocence that was ruined by the attacks on Guernica at the hands of the Germans.
e) The woman who was trapped in the burning building who is dying a horrible death due to the German bombing; this depicts how the civilians were metaphorically trapped in an inferno, unable to escape while watching their own demise unfold.
Questions about the work:
1) Is there a reason behind the distorted personification of the people of Guernica?
2) Was Pablo Picasso personally effected by the bombings of Guernica, as opposed to effected on a humanitarian level?
2) Pablo Picasso's message regarding his work "Guernica" is to depict the innocent civilians of Spain suffering because an outside source wanted to effect the outcome of another country's civil war.
3) O'Brien's message, regarding his time in Vietnam, is to express to his audience how the brutality of war effected him, his peers, and people as a whole. Also, that although the war was brutal, the bonds shared and experiences had in war sometimes perminantly shape the people who participate for the better.
4) Picasso's message is similar to O'Brien's because both men express how merciless conflicts can perminantly effect ordinary citizens, although both base their works in different circumstances.
1. one disturbing thing in this painting is the disfigured faces. the second disturbing thing is the heads severed from the bodies. the third disturbing thing is the mother weeping over her child. the fourth disturbing thing is the animals are suffering. last is a women hunched over in pain. is this art? did a fourth grader draw this?
2. this painting is ment to show how innocent people get hurt when there is a war between countries.
3. O'Brein's message in regards to his experience in Vietnam is that it was hard and something that he will have to live with for the rest of his life.
4. it shows that war is very bad but it also leaves and emotional and physical toll on people for the rest of there lives.
1) Why is the man in the air holding a candle?
What is the woman on the right side of the painting being eaten by?
Bgill & Kweiner :)
hi ms mikels
1.)The five disturbing images are the woman on the far left holding a dead body, and under her is a man lying down dead. In the center there is a mash up of of random things and a horse freaking out. Then further to the right there is a woman hunched down running for her life. Above that is a flying head comming out of the window and the fifth and final thing is the man on thefar right being sucked down into a hole.
2.)Piccasso's messgae is meant to be interpretited as a very confusing and grusem scence, where things are sctattered about it horror and confusion.
3.)Obrien's message about the war is one that tells how horrible the war is and how it brings nothing good to anyone.
4.)Piccaso's message is similar to Obrien's novel because they both depict the horrible outcomes of war, and all of the uncontrollible comotion.
The people in this piece don't look realistic because their eyes are on one side of their head like a flounder. It seems as though they are so focused on the war that they are missing some things.
Everything in this painting has a look of pain. The people don't have clothes on, which could be explained as the poverty in wars.
Picasso is trying to show how bad the war is and what effect it has on not only people but also animals.
He's trying to show what really happens in the war. Not a lot of people know what ACTUALLY happens in the war, and what effectes it has on the people who are forced to participate in the wars, but O'Brian is telling the goods and the bads or wars.
Both Picassos and O'Brians piece show the truths about war. They all show that war makes people distorted and it changes them.
1) Five disturbing images in Picasso's Guernica:
-The screaming woman, holding another body.
- A dismembered arm
- Multiple dead bodies
- Distorted/ dismembered man screaming in the right corner
- The bull and the horse trampling over people.
Questions: What is the object in the upper, center of the painting?
Are the animals symbolic of something?
2 Picasso emphasizes the chaos that occurred in Guernica by making everything in the painting distorted and disturbing.
3) O’Brien’s message throughout the book was to share his experience in Vietnam and explain the horrific things he saw. Also, he wanted to show how the war affected him.
4) Picasso's message in the painting is very similar to O’Brien’s because they both want to show the tragic effects that war has on people
Juliana A & Katelyn S
1. Five disturbing images are,the people's scared faces,a woman holding a dead baby,a person being held against their will,animals looking like their in pain,and a person being trampled over.
1.What inspired him to draw this?
2. Was this drawing something he went through,and what was his message he wanted to get across
2. His message was to show the hardtimes and suffering war causes.
3. His message is how disturbing and painful war is, and you have to live with it the rest of your life.
4. Even though you can read or see people in pain caused by war, you can only begin to imagine the pain these people went through. You could never feel the same as the people that actually experienced war.
Stephanie Paige
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